Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sista Affirmations

Something awoke in me today… an awakening, a freedom, a knowing that this is possible, and not only possible, but probable. Today, I am awaken to accept and receive this gift I have requested from GOD…

I give thanks and praise… for I know, it now is…

Monday, October 25, 2010


In the brightness of the Suns’ shine,
Not a cloud to be seen,
It rained…
Not an oppressing or painful rain…
Not an ominous or disheartening rain…
Just rain…
Rain for the earth to drink
Rain for the birds that sing…
Rain to remind me, GOD can do ALL things…

Saturday, October 23, 2010

"There's ten-thousand blessings in the hollow of his hands, and all I need is one".

Living down south I met many loving souls,
Ms. Moell Latham was one, she was 50 years my senior,
and one of my best friends.
Ms. Moell passed 7 years ago this week and today as I sat in quiet contemplation,
I heard her words ringing in my ear,
"There's ten-thousand blessings in the hollow of his hands, and all I need is one". She said these words to me time and time again, believing them to be scripture.
I could never bring myself to telling her any different, for I understood what she meant as she cried and prayed, “GOD all I need is one”.

R.I.P MS. MOELL Miller Latham Badley
You yet live, in my memories...
January 26, 1916 - Ocotber 17, 2003

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sista Affirmations (GOOD THING)

Because I am a powerful creator, I am creating a stream of attraction. In this stream there are men of various callings and life professions motivational speaks, entrepreneurs, preachers, teachers, doctors, lawyers, financial advisors, journeymen carpenters and electricians. This stream flows from me, returning to me, the emergence of HIM. From this stream of goodly gentlemen, my husband emerges, he is a man whom respectfully admires and adores me…
He is a man of tolerance and forethought, wittingly and willingly taking his time to know me. He gives into my life, cheerfully, and abundantly. From his profusion of love, and generosity, he provides for me whole heartedly. He honors me, respects me, and desires me. He leaves no stone unturned when working to create our success. We, he, I cherish the many investments of time we share. He meets my needs, purposefully to assure I am pleased. He gives thanks and praise, for my presence in his life, and we work together to achieve our life goals. He too is a powerful creator, and I am the answer to his soulful prayer for love and companionship.
I am his GOOD THING, and he is mine.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sista Thoughts

Fall cleaning is at hand, it is time to reevaluate the necessity of all those things we held on to, spiritually, physically and emotionally, following spring cleaning.
We must assess the continued necessity, value and benefits of the things we cling to. We must realize spiritual and emotional hording is just as destructive as physical hording, and devalues our worth. Let us make a clean sweep of all those things, which stagnate and bringing no value to our being. Let us release any muddled confusion, that our visions may be clear, and let the clarity of winter, prepare us for the New Year.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sista Affirmations

Ask and it shall be so…

Think pass the
“I don’t”… “I can’t… “I won’t”…
Think pass the
“who will” and “who won’t”…
Think pass what you see and what you don’t
Think pass the traffic in your mind…
And stand on what you know…
Ask and it shall be so…

Saturday, October 16, 2010


As much as I enjoy the relaxing vibrations of being at home, today I visualize going for a ride through the countryside, watching birds fly, and seeing the corn and wheat blowing in the breeze…
As much as I enjoy the relaxing vibrations of being at home, I visualize a handsome, fine, kind, intellectually astute gentleman, swooping me up, and taking me on a long country drive…
As much as I enjoy the relaxing vibrations of being at home, I desire to dance in the sunshine with a willing friend who also enjoys the countryside, and doesn’t mind sharing time with me…
As much as I enjoy the relaxing vibrations of being at home,
Today I visualize not being home alone…

Sista Affirmations

Awakened, I allow the stream of empowering positive energy to flow through me,as I align with the giving nature of GOD, who gives the power to receive wealth.
My thoughts generate the currency, create the flow, and draw all manner of financial prosperity to me. It is my GOD given right to prosper and be in good health, even as my soul prospers. GOD has given me the tools of understanding and reason, laced with talent and ability, therefore success is the only option for me. I call forth, and draw from the creation that is me, that I may be fruitful and multiply, replenishing the earth with streams of empowering positive energy.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sista Thoughts

We all have a choice, to address our visions, hopes and dreams whole-heartedly… are on the fly… It is my opinion, when we give our vision the full measure of our breath; it takes on a life of its own. It becomes a living soul, avenues of expansion for which other creative abilities are derived. Awaken the dream in you, give it life, and watch it thrive.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Q/A :

Q: Why do some spend thousands upon thousands of $$$$$$ on a WEDDING DRESS
when it only cost a man 150$ to rent a tux?

A: I ask the same question…
Perhaps it’s due to tradition…
I personally would get married in a Kroger Sack, as long as the brother marring me has no problem with Kroger Sacks… For me it’s all about the heart… and that money could be used elsewhere.
Call me crazy, but I’m still stuck on an ole fashion ROOTS wedding… Like when Kunta and Bell jumped the broom… (hummm is that too much information.. oooh well, it’s out now.)

Sista Quotes

It’s chilly out this morning,
wear your cloak of confidences, and keep your spirit warm.

Friday, October 8, 2010

A Thought I Glean, From Something I Read...

I received the gift of the Holy Ghost for the first time at the age of sixteen, since that time, I have witnessed many miracles in my life, some at my own hands, due to the grace and mercy of GOD… Nonetheless, I have grown discontented with the church world. We speak of the miracles of Jesus Christ, and quote the text, but it would seem that not many of us whom cry LORD, LORD, really believe.

With great dismay I witness a world sick and dying, and no one seems to understand these few words… “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do”. Are not these the words of Jesus, written (KJV) in red…?

In my understanding, Jesus raised the dead, made the lame to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and set the captives free… Jesus, by his teachings gave light to the darkened mind… spoke healing to the mentally ill, feed hundreds of thousands, and left us, (his brethren adopted into Sonship) the power to do the same.

Truly the Holy Ghost has need to be preached, but let us not forget to preach the Holy Ghost with power… Power isn't strength of voice... Power is however, understanding and knowledge of the work needing to be done, which is teaching truth in relation to GOD, as well as raising the dead, making the lame to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear and setting the captives free… Is this all metaphor and symbolism? Or perhaps we are simply refusing to die to the flesh, therefore refusing to be aligned with the nature of GOD within us…?

We the people of GOD (the church) go into the highways and hedges compelling others to come in yet we lack the power to heal, not because it's impossible, but because we are not aligned with GOD… and we leave those whom we have compelled, leaning to their own misunderstandings, and seven times worse than we found them.

We must teach by our actions. TEACH THE HOLY GHOST WITH POWER, AND THERE WILL BE NO MISUNDERSTANDING… The modern church world has us ALL blinded, with prosperity ministries. Don't get me wrong, it is GOD's will that we prosper and be in good health, but a one sided ministry of prosperity without health, blinds us and we all fall into the ditch of prosperity without power.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sista Affirmations

Living in the power and presence of today…
Today I create the life I desire to live…
The relationships I desire to build...
The finances to fund my dreams of living in the country,
(a rural area)
Today I give energy, to all that’s good for me...
Today I breathe free, knowing GOD’s mercies are given sufficiently.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sista Affirmations

I am grateful for all the blessings life has afforded me...
All the LOVE I have received...
All the friends who have friended me...
All the experiences life has bestowed up on me...
I am grateful for GOD's majesty, and how it shines through me...
I am grateful just to BE!

Sista Affirmations

The relationship I desire also desires me and as
I manifest the images of its being, its isness,
in my thoughts, my energy, is making the plan and charting the course
leading to him who is, also asking for me.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hug A Tree

Photo by Shana Brown

I did not make it to the park today, so
I travel the tree lined streets of my memory, hugging the biggest oldest tree
I could see, its branches extended twenty-one feet, its height seems to reach all we call heavenly. The bark is cold, and sort of wet, the fragrance makes me think of spinach.
Despite its cold and clammy trunk, I feel the warm vibrations of gentle love, and
I surrender to its majesty.
Nature is an inspiration, for the imagination, and love.

Maintenance Day.. 10/04/2010

Maintenance man came round today…
Changing filters, looking at facets and running water down the drains.
I was dressed like a haggardly old hag;
Corn-rowed plats and spaghetti strapped dress,
I wasn’t trying to look my best, wasn’t expecting any guess.
The maintenance man squinted and strained,
“Mhmmmm”, I heard him say…
Walking from room to room,
With clip-board & check list at hand,
He asked if I had any complaints.
Not one as of yet, I said.
Then he noticed my portrait on the wall.
“Ummmmp, Is that you”, he exclaimed”
With a node of my head, I said…
“Clean up well don’t I”…
As he walked away,
The biggest grin, shone upon his face…
“U take care now Ma’am”, he said...
Winking his eye, and closing the door behind…
For shame, for shame, for shame…LOL

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sista Affirmations

Yes, yes, yes! Today, ‎"I comfortably and easily release the old and welcome the new in my life. I am safe."* I have held on far too long and it is time, to allow a new thought, a new idea, a new song, a new dance, a second chance at first love. Yes, yes, yes! The time is now, to create, for I am safe in the mind of my heart, and the arms of my Creator, who says, ask and it shall be given… Yes, yes, yes!
*Quote courtesy of Louis Hay

Saturday, October 2, 2010

‎"It is said man is three things - What he thinks he is, what others think he is and what he really is. Which of these do you believe to be true?"

Art by Lashun Beal "Thought"

"A Man is who he thinks he is.
Man lives his life, and makes his judgments, according to his thoughts and beliefs of himself.
A Man is also whom others think he is.
However a man is perceived in the mind of another, is exactly who he is, in the mind of that other.
A Man is seldom what he really is. Man is a spiritual being, in a physical body, living in a material world, and usually it takes many years of trial and error before man fully aligns with his spirit man, “GOD”, that is if he ever aligns at all. Once aligned however, with Spirit, GOD, Source, Creator, man is then who he was meant to be."

Sista Quotes

"Growth & Contradiction"

“What man has not, contradicted himself? The man, who remains constant in his understanding of life, is unreasonable. A growing man has to contradict himself many times throughout life, for who knows what experience tomorrow holds, are what understandings of knowledge he will learn? For the conclusions of today, may well become irrelevant tomorrow.”

My Thought for the Day Copyright © 2010

Sometimes we stumble;
Sometimes faith is betrayed;
Sometimes the mistakes we make
are the stones it takes, to build a pathway to the person we will be. Remember we are ever becoming.
(January 08, 2010)

Wisdom is the prerequisite of perfecting love,
Truth is the prerequisite of revealed wisdom,
If there is no truth, there is no perfecting love.
Seek truth, wisdom and love will follow.
(January 10, 2010)

"When I fall, whether I be friend or foe, stretch forth, help me, dust me off, and send me on my way in love." Yes, Love... The action that surpasses all understanding... The force, that creates forgiveness, in the mist of derision. The virtue, that gives all fallen souls the ability to journey on... and to the sender (the forgiver who's been wronged) the ability to heal, and also grow on.
(January 11, 2010)

Every Today was once a Tomorrow,
Every Tomorrow will become Today…
What will you do Today, to influence your Tomorrow?
(January 18, 2010)

Turn down the thermostat! Stop expelling valuable energy! Winterize your heart! Insulate the warmth of your spirit, and conserve yourself (your being) for those who acknowledge your wroth.
(January 23, 2010)

My thought for today is a reflection of something my mother always said, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and well meaning people, who never got around to proving the thoughts of their heart". (February 6, 2010)

The grass always looks greener on the other side, but don’t climb the fence, the dog bites, the cat scratches, and the owner is a jack ass.
(February 7, 2010)

I would hate to wander through the desert of hope, hungry, only to find the fig tree barren.
(February 10, 2010)

What is adequate for one can be inadequate for another, time reveals what is. (February 17, 2010)

We are all more than we believe, if we merely believe.
(February 26, 2010)

To be unpredictable, for some is a challenge of intellect.
To be conventional, for some is deifying creativity.
To be absolutely unique, is a freedom we all seek, at various levels. (February 27, 2010)

We view photo's, we read blogs and status', we agree or disagree, we like or dislike, we study, examine and respond, based on our perceptions of what we believe is communicated and revealed, What you see is not always what you get.
There are times we should use our prudent minds, to take another look, there could be more than what meets the eye.
(March 7, 2010)

Things don't always End Well,
Yet its well they ended.
(March 17, 2010)

Women, we are always told, we talk to much, so men created Facebook, Texting & Twitter, to teach us to be direct and to the point. Please say it in 140 - 420 characters or less…
(March 18, 2010)

S H I N E !!! Even in your darkness shine.
Those who need your light will see it. S H I N E!!!
(March 20, 2010)

Selfishness will tax any relationship, and chronic selflessness taxes the individual.
(March 27, 2010)

Many of us read to locate, take note of, or memorize, that which has been taught unto us. Some of us study to gather information of that which is written, and has been taught unto us, with no intention of questioning its validity.
Others of us locate, take note of, memorize, gather information and are able to rightly divide the written and spoken word, which has been taught unto us, and there confirming or denying its validity. Wisdom is seeking beyond what is taught or understood, to affirm truth.
(March 29, 2010)

We are taught in childhood, not to question, our parents, our elders, and those deemed to have religious authority over us... We are not to lean to our own understandings, and if we find ourselves of another opinion, we are told it is the devil. Therefore withstanding our failure, our unwillingness, our fear to question, that which is questionable, we adhere to a belief passed down but never scrutinize by those we looked to for guidance. We pledge servitude to a belief we ourselves struggle to comprehend, and in so doing, we vaguely acknowledge the God-ness, the creative force within ourselves… (Greater is he that is within U than he that is in the world. (The world meaning, outside of U.)
(March 30, 2010)

Misery loves company, and hurt people hurt people. If folks fail to take the time needed to heal, they will always repeat the cycle of pain. I have found love means different things to different folks, so we must find our definition of love, and apply it as we await the arrival of that mate, whom shares the same definition of love as ourselves.
“Can two walk together, except they agree" Amos 3:3
(March 31, 2010)

Normal isn't fun....
Sanity has no adventure... and when U go crazy,
there are no valid excuses... I'm staying crazy...
(April 24, 2010)

Not every Hello is permanent,
and not every Goodbye forever...
time is the common denominator.
(April 29, 2010)

Allergies are like sucker punches,
there aren't any warnings,
and you're never prepared....
(May 3, 2010)

There must be balance… as you will learn;
your success is no more superior than your greatest failure.
(May 4, 2010)

Reggie Arnold THOUGHT: you have to love some people from a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng distance. Help yourself before you extend too far, there may not be enough rope left..
(May 8, 2010)

God always places the answer within us...
We must be still enough to hear, and wise enough to listen....
(May 18, 2010)

soap & water don't make U clean..
it just makes U washed...
so watch U'r deeds...
(May 27, 2010)

Love at first, second or third sight is possible.
For U determine the love u will give...
U determine the barriers or limitations U will set.
We don't love because we think others will love us,
We love because we so desire to do so,
Despite whether we are loved in return.
Love at first sight simply means I choose to love this person despite their willingness or lack thereof to love me back...
I will love without seeking a return...
I Love u because I can.
(June 28, 2010)

All Life's lessons can't be learned in a day,
so slow down and pace yourself,
it's not that kind of race. ~Sista
(July 27, 2010)

It would seems at some point we should graduate
from believing to knowing...
Are U ready for your cap and gown?
(July 27, 2010)

Wine is a necessity... for relaxing conversation... :)
(July 29, 2010)

One should not work to maintain faith,
If you’re working, you are working in fear,
For faith and knowing, just is.
Copyright © Kim Daniel
(July 30, 2010)

If you’re giving to get,
You’re not giving, you’re lending.
(August 10, 2010)

Baby stepping to my forward motion....
Hope the train don't leave the station fo' I get there...
(August 18, 2010)

One of the most amazing encounters is watching my thoughts manifest before my eyes...
I am grateful
(September 3, 2010)

Rummaging through the closets of my memory, I found U.
Just like old times, we laughed and smile, and joke for awhile, then the phone rang, and guest what, it was U... (September 29, 2010)

Wisdom can sometimes look crazy, and looks can sometimes be deceiving. (October 22, 2010)
resolve to LOVE Unconditionally

Living In A Stream Of Possibilities